Sunday, May 9, 2010

Day 3/4....starvation causes the time to blur...

I had a feeling I was going to regret going on about how easy this diet is....I do. In fact I regret it more and more every time I go into a shop, walk past a restaurant, see a bus with an ad on it for food... Ah no it's not THAT bad. Although think I was going to crack in Lidl yesterday. I never was a big believer in karma....until I saw practically all my favorite foods in the the same shop....on special offers. The smell of the bakery in Marks and Spencers shortly after nearly brought a tear to my eye!

For the first two days my strategy was to leave it as late as possible to eat breakfast so that I would stay fuller until lunch...struggle on until dinner and then quickly get to bed before the next waves of hunger set in.

If you were confined to a house, or had a lifestyle which never required you to go near shops/ restaurants then this diet would be amazing! For lunch and dinner you can eat as much meat/salad as you want. you don't even have to hold back on the butter or dressing. I haven't varied very much in the foods I have been using...all my lunches have been salads with either chicken prawns or tuna. And by salads I mean that I literally eat the entire bag of mixed leaves or whatever it is I'm using. I don't think that eating that extra bucket of lettuce necessarily fills you up any's purely psychological.

This diet, as I'm sure many others do really makes you realize how much food we eat that our body does not need. For me anyway, there is a very fine line between hunger and boredom.

My breakfasts have all consisted of 2 rashers and two eggs...I'm not a big breakfast person so it is strange getting used to eating so much in the morning. Dinners again have consisted of salad and steak( Day 1), lean burger with no bun (Day 2) and steak again (Day 4) I'll come back to day 3...

This is a totally different diet to what I'm used to. It comes from me being a very poor cook and not really liking any meat. All in all this has not been too difficult an experience except for Day 3 (Saturday) which I will come back to...

I have switched from regular White Grapefruit to Ruby Grapefruit which are unbelievably nicer. I would even go so far as to say that I like them! Although I did get some strange looks when I brought them to work on Saturday!

So Saturday....I really didn't know how I was going to wok this diet on Saturday because I was scheduled to work from half 7 to 5. I work in a hotel, but only started a week before last so it's still all very new to me. The early start meant that there was no way in hell I was going to doing any cooking so my Grapefruit got consumed all by it's lonesome.

You would imagine that this would cause you to lose even more weight, but not according to the diet rules. You have to eat Grapefruit in the exact combination with the foods listed.

Grapefruit uimhir a was eaten in the work canteen with some salad and fish without anyone staring or pointing and laughing as I had envisaged.

Saturday was not a fun day for many reasons, most of them work related. But going back to my newfound belief in Karma [I have done several bold things lately - Sorry Sadhbh! :( ] my job for the first 4 hours in work was to be in charge of making the tea and toast for the restaurant. A shit enough job without any grapefruit links, the karma link to this job is in the fact that toast is one of my favourite foods.Ever. I spent a good 4 hours watching my crispy little triangles get carried out to the guests. Tragic isn't the word.

The next challenge to Saturday was finishing work. I finished at 5 and had eaten lunch at 12. By this stage I was properly STARVING! But none of my usual post work treats were allowed. This was about the time I started to turn against the grapefruit. Dublin city in a grumpy/hungry mood is minus craic on a Saturday. Having to spend €60 on rotten work shoes further added to my strop home. A full on anti-christal overload was avoided when I got eating back in the house. Instead of another salad I ate the breakfast meal of 2 boiled eggs and two grilled rashers.

Headed off to the cinema later that night. Was slightly worried beforehand about resisting the temptation of popcorn, which is up there with toast on the top few fav foods. I queued for the tickets anxiously knowing that the popcorn was just above me. Thought about it the whole way up on the escalator. Couldn't even hide the fact that i was not listening to word of the conversation I was supposed to be engaged it. What happened next nearly cost me a relationship.

I had explained the popcorn predicament to the boyf whose response was 'Well I'm full because I just ate pizza, brown bread and coleslaw.'

Not a good response to someone who is on day 3 of salads. At this point I was on the brink of running up to the counter and taking into the popcorn with my bare hands. All I was looking for was to be encouraged to break the diet. The slightest hint of a suggestion would have been enough. But no, it never came. Sitting down in the screen all I could do was watch the other people coming in with their full bags of the stuff. They didn't deserve their popcorn. They didn't love it. I had to watch them carelessly drop little bits on the floor...

While some of this is slightly exaggerated, I genuinely couldn't even concentrate on the ads. I held out until the IFCO warning came up.....and then the dam burst...the popcorn and minstrels didn't stand a chance...neither did the boyf who barely got one of each, but my god was it worth it. I can't describe the happiness. Nom Nom Nom...

The whole thing mad me so happy that I proceeded to fall asleep half an hour before the end of Iron Man 2....

That happiness carried me through day 4 which was spent at home...all diet rules strictly adhered to....roll on day 5!!

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