Friday, May 7, 2010

With Day 1 finished and breakfast of day 2 out of the way I'm really wondering how this 90 year old diet works. It contradicts any other diet I have ever attempted. Phrases like "eat until you're stuffed" and "the more you eat the more weight you lose" would make you wonder. A first I thought I was reading my info of a website some evil soul had created to make you fatter while you "suffer" away thinking you're slimming down. I use the word suffer in irony, because in all honesty this diet is a walk in the park. Compared to poor Diana going without solid food, Joey surviving on apples my "diet" doesn't seem to be in the same league. While Denise was dreaming about cookies I was slightly missing a cup of tea?

The Grapefruit Diet promises a loss of ten pounds in 12 days. I'm going to see if I can get 5 off in 6 days. The major difference I notice being on it is just a complete change in the types of food I am eating. A hard core carbivore I live for bread in any shape or form. So over the course of the next few days withdrawal symptoms may arise from the lack of white flour my body is used to receiving in generous quantities. I had two salads yesterday - 1 for lunch with chicken and the other with dinner with my steak(!). That's approximately the same number of salads I have eaten in the last year. There is no form of starvation involved in this diet, just a complete change in what I would be used to eating. This morning I had my first boiled egg in about 15 years!

So a big apology so far on my part to everyone else that stuck to much harder diets than this one (again so far). I know it looks a bit dodge on my part having arranged the whole thing... I will try not to rub it in anyone's face when I have my Cheryl Cole figure in another few days!

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